Fletcher & Company LLC

Two stories of heroes–each quite different, but both influential and long-lasting in their efforts–are publishing today.

The first is Eric Blehm‘s LEGEND (Crown), the unforgettable account of the courageous actions of the U.S. Army’s 240th Assault Helicopter Company and Green Beret staff sergeant Roy Benavidez, who risked everything to rescue a Special Forces team trapped behind enemy lines during the Vietnam War.

On May 2, 1968. a twelve-man Special Forces team had been covertly inserted into a small clearing in the jungles of neutral Cambodia—where U.S. forces were forbidden to operate.

When Special Forces staff sergeant Roy Benavidez heard the distress call, he jumped aboard the next helicopter bound for the combat zone without hesitation. What followed would become legend in the Special Operations community. Flown into the foray of battle by the courageous pilots and crew of the 240th Assault Helicop­ter Company, Benavidez jumped from the hovering aircraft and ran nearly 100 yards…

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